The Good Bad Girl


The Abbey is a neutral space in the midst of a lawless city and I stand as its steward. Anointed by the High Power and answerable only to the Bishop, I keep the peace. Sometimes people try to bribe me with gifts—property, cash…people. None of that interest me. After all, I’m a man of the cloth. I’ve said my vows and abide by them and I have never, ever been tempted to stray. This new gift might break me. She might make me forsake my vows. She’s definitely leading me down the road to sin.


Okay, I was dumb. In my attempt to protect my friend, I got kidnapped and dropped on the doorstep of some…church like place? I don’t really know. The stone mansion is surrounded by high walls and the windows are made of stained glass. There’s a man here with wearing vestments and oh, I’m going to hell for the things I’m thinking about him. Truth be told, though, I need to get out of here because I’m worried if I stay, I’ll never want to leave.

Series Reading Order

All Standalones